The Virtual Herbarium of the National Trust for the Cayman Islands (CAYM) a part of the Fairchild Tropical Garden (FTG) Virtual Herbarium.

The Virtual Herbarium of the National Trust for the Cayman Islands (CAYM)
Part of the Fairchild Tropical Garden (FTG) Virtual Herbarium


Pennisetum Sp. Indet. Pennisetum Sp. Indet.

GRAND CAYMAN: East End. Grid Ref: ft.N. ft.E.

Queen Elizabeth II Botanic Park. 19 deg. 19.087 min. N Lat. / 81 deg. 10.063 min. W. Long.

Grass or Sedge, height 1.0m Entire plant reddish, branching profusely on the upper half, several inflorescences per culm.. Planted in disturbed cleared area round a water tank.

Gerald F. Guala II No.1939 16-Jun-1998

CAYM Accession # 1390

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