The Virtual Herbarium of the National Trust for the Cayman Islands (CAYM) a part of the Fairchild Tropical Garden (FTG) Virtual Herbarium.

The Virtual Herbarium of the National Trust for the Cayman Islands (CAYM)
Part of the Fairchild Tropical Garden (FTG) Virtual Herbarium


Exothea paniculata (Juss.) Radlk.

GRAND CAYMAN: North Side. Grid Ref: 7,012,561 ft.N. 1,570,897 ft.E.

Western edge of Mastic Woodlands, biodiversity site GC30

Small tree, height 4m Locally common. A shrub to small tree at this site.. In transitional zone from blanket soil to higher dolostone, extensive soil pockets present.. Woodland canopy 13.5m with large emergent Ficus aurea and Sideroxylon foetidissimum to 17m. Abundant Bursera, Tabebuia, and Cordia gerasanthus

F.J. Burton No.254b 03-Feb-1999

CAYM Accession # 1197

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