#1. <synonyms>/
#2. <family name>/
#3. <common names>/
#4. <tree form or growth type>/
       1. typical tree or large tree-like shrub <trunk(s) ramifying into crown
          of many twiggy stems that bear typical leaves> <implicit>/
       2. palm or palm-like <trunk (or several clustered from ground level)
          unbranched and terminated by rosette or tight spiral of large
          frond-like leaves, these usually stiff and pleated>/
       3. large, branched cactus or cactus-like succulent <main branches and
          twigs, green and fleshy, without typical bark>/
       4. bamboos/
#5. crown <proportional shape>/
       1. distinctly longer than wide <L 2-3 or more X W>/
       2. roughly as long as wide <spherical to slightly ovoid or obovoid>/
       3. distinctly wider than long <W 2-3 or more X L>/
#6. crown <descriptive shape for long crowns> <if not closely matching idealized
          shape, in description add modifier: e.g., "diffusely" or
       1. narrowly columnar or conical <L about 10 or more X W>/
       2. conical <widest at very base>/
       3. ovoid <widest in lower third>/
       4. oblongoid or ellipsoid <broadly cylindrical or widest in middle
       5. obovoid <widest in upper third>/
#7. crown <descriptive shape for wide crowns> <if not closely matching idealized
          shape, in description add modifier: e.g., "diffusely" or
       1. hemispherical/
       2. transversely <"sideways"> ellipsoid or oblongloid/
       3. domed or arching/
#8. crown <distribution of leaves>/
       1. with leaves distributed throughout <both in interior and on exterior>
       2. with leaves distributed only on exterior <forming outer "shell" or
#9. bark <color> <in descsription, if there are 2 or more in combination,
          indicate the pattern: e.g., striped, ringed, blotched, etc.>/
       1. black or dark gray/
       2. ashy gray/
       3. white or cream-colored/
       4. light brown/
       5. dark or blackish brown/
       6. reddish brown/
       7. yellowish brown/
       8. greenish/
#10. bark <texture>/
       1. smooth/
       2. rough/
       3. corky or spongy/
#11. bark <persistence>/
       1. persistent, with uniform pattern of cracks/
       2. peeling in thin, short sections/
       3. spherical to jig-saw shaped patches falling and leaving surface
       4. shredding in long strips/
#12. bark <pattern of splitting>/
       1. fissured <mostly lengthwise cracks>/
       2. ringed <circumferential cracks or scars>/
       3. checkered <sqaures, rhomboids or rectangles 1 to few cm wide, either
          raised or scars surrounded by ridges>/
       4. blocky <raised squares or rectangles, several cm wide>/
       5. warty <scattered rounded protuberences>/
       6. spiny/
#13. twig pith <cross-sectional shape> (avoid cutting branch juncture)/
       1. circular <implicit>/
       2. oval/
       3. irregularly angled/
       4. star-shaped/
#14. twig pith <longisectional shape>/
       1. solid <implicit>/
       2. spongy/
       3. chambered/
       4. hollow/
#15. twig <whether internodes ridged or not>/
       1. internodes straightly cylindrical (terete)/
       2. internodes with ridges or angles (usually 4) along full length/
       3. internodes with irregular ridges or ridges that extend down from leaf
          insertions and dissipate/
#16. twig <whether succulent>/
       1. typical, not succulent nor fleshy <implicit>/
       2. succulent and fleshy/
#17. twig <succulence type>/
       1. a "pad", flattened and broadly rounded/
       2. finger-like, thickly cylindrical/
#18. twig <course>/
       1. very straight/
       2. bent slightly or swollen at nodes/
       3. zig-zag, bent sharply at nodes/
       4. curving, usually bending upward or outward toward the tip/
#19. bark or epidermis of the twig/
       1. tight <implicit>/
       2. loose/
       3. peeling/
#20. lenticels on twig <distribution>/
       1. abundant/
       2. scattered/
       3. very sparse/
#21. lenticels on twig <shape/orientation>/
       1. round/
       2. horizontally elongate/
       3. vertically elongate/
#22. lenticels on twig <height>/
       1. raised/
       2. unraised/
#23. prickles, spines, or thorns on twig <presence>/
       1. present/
       2. absent/
#24. prickles, spines, or thorns on twig <position>/
       1. paired at base of leaf-stalk/
       2. terminating an axillary twiglet or spur-shoot/
       3. scattered over internode/
       4. concentrated or clustered at nodes/
#25. prickles, spines, or thorns on twig <shape>/
       1. needle-like/
       2. straightly conical/
       3. hooked conical/
#26. prickles, spines, or thorns on twig <length> <unreliable in many palms>/
       mm long/
#27. trichomes (hairs, glandular hairs, or scales) on twigs <presence>/
       1. present/
       2. absent/
#28. trichomes on twigs <distribution>/
       1. distributed over internode/
       2. in lines between nodes/
       3. forming a collar or ring at each node/
#29. trichomes on twigs <density>/
       1. sparse, widely separated/
       2. abundant, almost touching one another but separated/
       3. dense, touching one another, overlapping, or intertwining/
       4. extremely dense, matted or forming a knap/
#30. trichomes on twigs <length> <measure in tenths of mm>/
       mm long/
#31. trichomes on twigs <rigidity>/
       1. stiff or rigid/
       2. flexible or lax/
       3. soft, easily bent/
#32. trichomes on twigs <shape(s)>/
       1. filiform <thread-like> <implicit>/
       2. conical or tapering/
       3. star-shaped/
       4. short-stalked "T" or "L" -shaped/
       5. flattened, scale-like/
       6. club- or hat-pin-shaped, the head glandular (secretory)/
       7. globose, sessile, and glandular (secretory)/
#33. trichomes on twigs <posture>/
       1. erect/
       2. curved/
       3. curly/
       4. appressed/
#34. trichomes on twigs <color>/
       1. whitish or pale grey <implicit>/
       2. rusty brown/
       3. yellowish/
       4. silvery or metallic/
#35. twig sap <quantity> (TAKE CARE; Metopium and others are POISONOUS.)/
       1. copious/
       2. scant or slow-flowing/
       3. negligible, so as to appear lacking/
#36. twig sap <color>/
       1. clear <implicit>/
       2. white/
       3. yellowish/
       4. reddish/
#37. twig sap, upon momentary drying <consistency>/
       1. watery <implicit>/
       2. rubbery <like chewing gum when pressed between fingers>/
       3. resinous <like tar or pine resin with pressed between fingers>/
#38. leaf-scar on twig <observed either as leaf- scar or base end
          of leaf-stalk> <shape>/
       1. circular/
       2. oval or elliptic/
       3. half-circular/
       4. crescent-shaped/
       5. shield-shape/
       6. straight linear/
#39. leaf-scar on twig <dimension, excluding curvature, perpendicular to twig or stem axis>/
       mm long/
#40. leaf-scar on twig <dimension, margin to margin in the middle, parallel to twig or stem axis>/
       mm wide/
#41. leaf-scar traces on twig <observed either as leaf-scar or base end of
          leaf-stalk> <number>/
       1. 1/
       2. 2/
       3. 3 <implicit>/
       4. 4/
       5. 5/
       6. more than 5/
#42. leaf-scar traces on twig <relative sizes>/
       1. all similar in size/
       2. with median one largest/
       3. with median one smallest/
#43.  leaves <of typical dicot form or not>/
      1.  of typical dicot venation and form/
      2.  of typical monocot (including cycad) venation and form/
      3.  of conifer form (needle- or scale-like) or modified into spines or scales/

#44.  leaves <simple vs. compound>/
      1.  simple <composed of only 1 leaf-blade unit>/
      2.  once-compound <composed of 2 or more leaf-blade unites attached directly to leaf stalk
            or rachis (leaf stalk extension)>/
      3.  more than once-compound <composed of 2 or more leaf-blade units that are attache to
            branches of the rachis (leaf stalk extension)>/

#45. leaves <organization of once-compound leaves>/
       1. bifoliate <only two leaflets, i.e., leaf-blade units>/
       2. trifoliate <only three leaflets>/
       3. palmate <4 or more leaflets attached to one point at end of leaf
       4. pinnate <4 or more leaflets attached along length of rachis,
          (extension of leaf-stalk)>/
#46. leaves <organization of more than once-compound leaves>/
       1. twice-compound <leaflets attached to 1st order branches of rachis>/
       2. 1-2 times compound <lower portion of leaf twice-compound, upper
          portion, once-c.>/
       3. thrice-compound <leaflets attached to 2nd order branches of
       4. 2-3 times compound <lower portion of leaf thrice- compound, upper
          portion, twice-c.>/
       5. 4 times compound <leaflets attached to 3rd order branches of
       6. 3-4 times compound <lower portion of leaf 4 times compound, upper
          portion, thrice-c.>/
#47. leaves <arrangement whether leaves alternate or not>/
      1. typically alternate, occurring singly, equally separated,
            not clustered in groups of 2 or more/
      2. clustered in groups of 2 (opposite or subopposite)/
      3. clustered in groups of 3 or more (whorled or tightly spiraled as rosette)/

#48. leaves <arrangement opposite vs. subopposite>/
       1. opposite, leaves directly across from one another/
       2. subopposite, each leaf shortly offset from its partner/
#49. leaves <whether whorled or in rosette>/
       1. whorled, 3 or more at exact same level on stem/
       2. in a rosette, 3 or more clustered near the tip of the twig in a tight
          spiral (note leaf scars to see whether fallen leaves were also
          clustered near the tip) <may have few, widely scattered leaves toward
          base of twig>/
#50. leaves <arrangement into planes>/
       1. in a spiral <consistent angles separating leaves> <implicit>/
       2. distichous, i.e., all leaves of a twig appear to be in one plane/
       3. decussate, in two planes at right angles <usually opposite leaf pairs
          which are at right angles to the pair above and below>/
       4. alternating whorls, comparable to decussate, leaves of every other
          whorl in same plane/
       5. tristichous, i.e., in three planes/
       6. no distinct pattern/
#51. leaves <wire-like leaf-blade units only> <arrangement>/
       1. 2 or 3 bound together at their bases by a band of short papery scales/
       2. 1, 2, or more arising from swollen or ring-like joints on twigs/
#52. leaves, in bud <posture or ptixis>/
       1. folded lengthwise in book-fashion <implicit>/
       2. unfolded (flat) or with margins rolled or folded in toward midvein/
       3. rolled lengthwise forming a tube/
       4. rolled widthwise forming a "fiddle-head"/
#53. stipules (appendage adjacent to leaf stalk or base of, at least, youngest
          leaves) or stipule scars (remnant ring or lines on stem adjacent to
          leaf base or leaf scar) <number>/
       1. lacking or not discernable/
       2. 1 per leaf/
       3. 2 per leaf/
#54. stipules <shape>/
       1. triangular/
       2. subulate (very narrowly triangular)/
       3. low rectangular or pentagonal, abruptly contracted to a point/
       4. ovate/
       5. oblong/
       6. conical (forming cap over stem apex)/
       7. tubular (sheathing stem)/
       8. dilated near middle/
       9. expanded and bulb-shaped/
       10. like a cat's claw/
#55. stipules <length>/
       mm long/
#56. stipules <whether interpetiolar>/
       1. interpetiolar <ones from opposite leaves fused into single stipule
          each side of stem>/
       2. not interpetiolar <implicit>/
#57. stipules <persistence>/
       1. falling soon after leaf expands/
       2. persisting after leaf matures/
#58. petiole (leaf-stalk of whole true leaf)/
       1. present <implicit>/
       2. absent/
#59. petiole <structure>/
       1. normal (subterete, slightly compressed lengthwise) <implicit>/
       2. with basal thickening or cushion (pulvinus)/
       3. winged/
       4. flared into a sheathing base that encloses the twig or stem/
       5. with a groove or channel running its length/
#60. petiole <length>/
       mm long/
#61. petiole <whether with or without trichomes>/
       1. without trichomes/
       2. with trichomes similar to those on midrib of leaf- blade(s)/
       3. with trichomes differing from <usually more coarse than> those on
          midrib of leaf-blade(s) or midrib without leaf hairs/
       4. with resinous dots/
#62. petiole <whether glands>/
       1. bearing glands (ñ circular area of swollen, translucent or viscid
          tissue that secretes nectar or excretes water)/
       2. lacking glands <implicit>/
#63. petiole <whether prickles or spines present>/
       1. bearing prickles or spines/
       2. lacking prickles or spines <implicit>/
#64. petiolar glands <number> <give number>/
       in number/
#65. petiolar glands <position>/
       1. scatterted over entire length/
       2. concentrated apically/
       3. concentrated basally/
#66. petiolar prickles or spines <distribution>/
       1. over whole surface/
       2. top suface/
       3. lower surface/
       4. along margin/
       5. concentrated apically/
       6. concentrated basally/
#67. petiolar prickles or spines <shape>/
       1. needle-like/
       2. straightly conical or triangular/
       3. hooked conical or triangular/
#68. petiolar prickles or spines <length>/
       mm long/
#69. rachis (extension of leaf-stalk in compound leaves)/
       1. normal (subterete, slightly compressed lengthwise) <implicit>/
       2. winged/
       3. bearing 1 or 2 glands (translucent swellings) at point of insertion of
          leaflets or rachis branches/
       4. both winged and bearing 1 or 2 glands at point of leaflet insertion or
          rachis branches/
       5. with distinct groove or channel running its length/
#70. rachis (extension of leaf-stalk in compound leaves) or ultimate rachis
          branch <or petiole if rachis is abortive> <leaves paripinnate vs.
       1. terminated by a single medial leaflet/
       2. terminated by a pair of lateral leaflets/
#71. petiolules (leaflet stalks)/
       1. normal (subterete, slightly compressed lengthwise)/
       2. winged/
       3. with basal thickening or whole length thickened/swollen and often wrinkled (pulvinule)/
       4. lacking/
       5. with a distinct groove or channel running the length/
#72. petiolules (leaflet stalks) <length>/
       mm long/
#73. petiolules (leaflet stalks) <whether prickly>/
       1. with prickles/
       2. lacking prickles <implicit>/
#74. petiolules (leaflet stalks) <whether having glands>/
       1. bearing 1 or more glands/
       2. lacking glands <implicit>/
#75. petiolules (leaflet stalks) <whether having trichomes>/
       1. without trichomes/
       2. with trichomes similar to those on midrib of leaf- blade(s)/
       3. with trichomes differing from <usually more coarse than> those on
          midrib of leaf-blade(s)/
       4. with resinous dots/
#76. leaf-blade unit <leaf type 3, only>/
       1. elongate needle or wire shaped/
       2. flattened triangular or shield shaped, usually overlapping in
          shingle-like fashion, with blunt to acute tip/
       3. pyramidal triangular, often incurved, often with concave, tapering
          sides and stiff, spiny tip/
#77. leaf-blade unit (simple leaf, leaflet of compound leaf, or cladode)
          <including leaf segments of palms> <length>/
       cm long/
#78. <number of> leaflets (if leaf once-compound and pinnate/palmate) or rachis branches (if
            more than once-compound)/
       most commonly <number>/
#79. <number of> leaflets on ultimate rachis branch (if leaf more than once
       most commonly <number>/
#80. leaf-blade unit <shape-symmetry>/
       1. with R. and L. hand sides ñ mirror images/
       2. with R. and L. hand sides of different widths/
       3. with R. and L. hand sides of different lengths/
       4. with R. and L. hand sides of different widths and lengths/
       5. with R. and L. hand sides curved one over the other/
#81. leaf-blade unit <shape-proportions, including any basal lobes>/
       1. length about 7 or more times width/
       2. length about 2.5 to about 6 times width/
       3. length 1.5 to about 2.5 times width/
       4. length about equal to width/
       5. width 1.5 to about 2.5 times length/
       6. width about 2.5 to about 6 times length/
       7. width about 7 or more times length/
#82. leaf-blade unit <whether widest area a single point>/
       1. with widest area restricted to a single point or short zone along
          length of blade <implicit>/
       2. with widest (or nearly widest) area occupying long section of leaf with parallel sides/
#83. leaf-blade unit <shape-widest point of blade>/
       1. widest at very base/
       2. widest toward base/
       3. widest exactly in the middle/
       4. widest toward apex/
       5. widest at very tip/
       6. widest a short distance below middle/
       7. widest a short distance above middle/

#84. leaf-blade unit <generalized outline, drawn to connect tips of teeth or
       1. outline smoothly curving (elliptic, ovate, obovate, circular, etc.)
       2. outline with straight sides and abrupt angles (triangular, rhombic,
#85. leaf-blade unit <special outline shapes>/
       1. lyrate (reminiscent of body of a violin)/
       2. kidney shaped/
       3. spatulate (spoon shaped, long thin below abruptly expanded into "bowl" near apex)/
       4. arrow-head shaped/
       5. shape not unusually modified <implicit>/
       6. palmately lobed/
       7. two ovals, side by side with a tiny hair from between them at the tip/
#86. leaf-blade unit apex/
       1. acute (less than 90ø)/
       2. obtuse (greater than 90ø)/
       3. acuminate (sides convex below, and concave approaching point)/
       4. attenuate (gradually tapering)/
       5. caudate (drawn out and whip-like)/
       6. mucronate (abruptly narrowed to sharp, rigid point)/
       7. rounded/
       8. truncate (as if cut straight across)/
       9. retuse (rounded, the center with a shallow, rounded sinus)/
       10. emarginate (rounded, the center with a deep, acute sinus)/
       11. split in 2 as if ripped (bifid)/
       12. obutse to rounded with the middle suddenly extended as a samll rounded or acutish non-rigid point/

#87. leaf-blade unit base/
       1. acute (about 60-90ø)/
       2. obtuse (greater than 90ø)/
       3. cuneate (gradually tapering, less than 60ø)/
       4. decurrent (drawn out, gradually diminishing along petiole)/
       5. rounded/
       6. truncate (as if cut straight across) or very shallowly cordate/
       7. distinctly or deeply cordate (heart shaped, two rounded lobes at base)/
       8. lobate (lobed, but neither cordate nor sagittate)/
       9. sagittate (arrow head shaped; two long acute lobes at base)/
       10. tapering from near the middle almost to a point, but this abruptly rounded or truncate at very base/
       11. one side tapering, the other side rounded/

#88. leaf-blade unit <inserted on stalk or node>/
       1. attached to stalk (or node) at very base of blade <implicit>/
       2. attached to stalk (or node) between basally pointing lobes/
       3. attached to stalk (or node) in middle of completely fused blade (peltate blade)/
#89. leaf-blade unit <arrangement of leaflets on rachis or ultimate rachis branches in compound leaf>/
       1. alternate/
       2. opposite/
       3. subopposite/
       4. mixed alternate and opposite/
#90. leaf-blade unit <texture>/
       1. membranous/
       2. papery/
       3. leathery/
       4. fleshy or succulent/
#91. leaf-blade unit upper surface <topography of upper surface>/
       1. smooth, flat/
       2. puckered (bullate)/
       3. with veins impressed/
       4. with veins raised/
       5. ridged and grooved longitudinally/
       6. warty/

#92. polish of upper surface of leaf-blade unit <or whole surface on wire-like>/
       1. shiny/
       2. dull/
       3. with coating of waxy dust that is easily wiped off - glaucous/
#93. polish of lower surface of leaf-blade unit/
       1. shiny/
       2. dull/
       3. with coating of waxy dust that is easily wiped off - glaucous/
#94. trichomes (hairs, glandular hairs, or scales) on upper leaf surface <or
          whole surface of wire-like leaf-blade units or margins of sword-like
          leaf-blade units> <presence>/
       1. present/
       2. absent/
#95. trichomes (hairs, glandular hairs, or scales) on upper leaf surface
       1. on midrib/
       2. on smaller veins/
       3. on midrib and smaller veins/
       4. on intervenous tissue/
       5. on midrib, smaller veins and intervenous tissue/
       6. forming dense patches in angle between midrib and 2ø veins/
       7. on margins/
#96. trichomes (hairs, glandular hairs, or scales) on upper leaf surface
       1. sparse, widely separated/
       2. abundant, almost touching one another but separated/
       3. dense, touching one another, overlapping, or intertwining/
       4. extremely dense, matted or forming a knap/
#97. trichomes (hairs, glandular hairs, or scales) on upper leaf surface <length> <measure in tenths of mm>/
       mm long/
#98. trichomes (hairs, glandular hairs, or scales) on upper leaf surface
       1. stiff or rigid/
       2. flexible or lax/
       3. soft, easily bent/
#99. trichomes (hairs, glandular hairs, or scales) on upper leaf surface
       1. filiform <thread-like> <implicit>/
       2. conical or tapering/
       3. star-shaped/
       4. short-stalked "T" or "L"-shaped/
       5. flattened, scale-like/
       6. club- or hat-pin-shaped, the head glandular (secretory)/
       7. globose, sessile, and glandular (secretory)/
#100. trichomes (hairs, glandular hairs, or scales) on upper leaf surface
       1. erect/
       2. curved/
       3. curly/
       4. appressed/
#101. trichomes (hairs, glandular hairs, or scales) on upper leaf surface
       1. whitish or pale grey <implicit>/
       2. rusty brown/
       3. yellowish/
       4. silvery or metallic/
#102. trichomes (hairs, glandular hairs, or scales) on lower leaf surface
       1. present/
       2. absent/
#103. trichomes (hairs, glandular hairs, or scales) on lower leaf surface
       1. on principal veins/
       2. on minor veins/
       3. on principal and minor veins/
       4. on intervenous tissue/
       5. on all veins and intervenous tissue/
       6. forming dense patches in angle between midrib and 2ø veins/
#104. trichomes (hairs, glandular hairs, or scales) on lower leaf surface
       1. sparse, widely separated/
       2. abundant, almost touching one another but separated/
       3. dense, touching one another, overlapping, or intertwining/
       4. extremely dense, matted or forming a knap/
#105. trichomes (hairs, glandular hairs, or scales) on lower leaf surface <length> <measure in tenths of mm>/
       mm long/
#106. trichomes (hairs, glandular hairs, or scales) on lower leaf surface
       1. stiff or rigid/
       2. flexible or lax/
       3. soft, easily bent/
#107. trichomes (hairs, glandular hairs, or scales) on lower leaf surface
       1. filiform <thread-like> <implicit>/
       2. conical or tapering/
       3. star-shaped/
       4. short-stalked "T" or "L" -shaped/
       5. flattened, scale-like/
       6. club- or hat-pin-shaped, the head glandular (secretory)/
       7. globose, sessile, and glandular (secretory)/
#108. trichomes (hairs, glandular hairs, or scales) on lower leaf surface
       1. erect/
       2. curved/
       3. curly/
       4. appressed/
#109. trichomes (hairs, glandular hairs, or scales) on lower leaf surface
       1. whitish or pale grey <implicit>/
       2. rusty brown/
       3. yellowish/
       4. silvery or metallic/
#110. blade tissue (excluding marginal lines and teeth) with <special structures or inclusions>/
       1. pellucid dots (clear oily-looking dots where light can shine through,
          equally clear from upper or lower surface)/
       2. opaque or dark resinous dots <which do not easily transmit light>/
       3. glands (swollen, pale, cartilaginous or viscid tissue)/
       4. spherical crystals (translucent dots with transmitted light, within a
          fresh leaf usually varying from clear to opaque, clearer from one side
          of leaf than other, in dried leaves appearing as minute pustules or
          grains under epidermis)/
       5. rod-shaped crystals (short, pointed lines with transmitted light)/
       6. domatia (swollen domed or pocket-like cavities with a small opening )/
       7. prickles/
       8. a resinous or varnish-like coating/
       9. no unusual structures <implicit>/
#111. <special structures (dots, glands, crystals, domatia)> <distribution>/
       1. even over surface of blade/
       2. concentrated along or just within margin/
       3. <available for additional state>/
       4. largest ones <usually dots> in sinuses between teeth/
       5. in one or two lines down central blade between midrib and margin/
       6. in axiles of 2ø veins/
       7. concentrated near base of blade/
       8. at very base of blade/
       9. along midvein (or also 2ø veins) below/
#112. <glands> <associated with teeth>/
       1. with central cavity or sunken at apex, usually dull or opaque/
       2. solid and knob-like, often shiny or translucent, without a deciduous
          bristle-like tip/
       3. solid and knob-like, often shiny or translucent, but also with a
          deciduous bristle-like tip/
#113. when crushed blade tissue emitting odor of/
       1. nothing distinctive <implicit>/
       2. ginger/
       3. lemon/
       4. lime/
       5. orange/
       6. grapefruit/
       7. pine/
       8. balsam/
       9. red cedar/
       10. decaying flesh/
       11. rotten eggs/
       12. bay rum/
       13. allspice/
       14. camphor/
       15. tar/
       16. cinnamon/
       17. cherry or almond/
       18. straw or hay/
       19. sewage/
       20. mushrooms/
#114. margin of leaf-blade unit <posture>/
      1. ñ flat <implicit>/
      2. turned under or rolled upon itself (revolute)/
      3. undulate (reminiscent of a gathered ruffle)/

#115. margin of leaf-blade unit <whether toothed or lobed>/
      1. entire (not indented)/
      2. toothed or sinuous (indented less than one-fourth of distance to midvein)/
      3. lobed (indented greater than one-fourth of distance to midvein) but otherwise entire/
      4. lobed and toothed/
      5. normally shredding along 2ø veins by mechanical tearing (e.g., wind)/

#116. teeth on leaf margin <type>/
      1. dentate  (acute, perpendicular to margin)/
      2. serrate  (acute, at angle to margin)/
      3. crenate (evenly rounded)/
      4. erose (irregularly "chewed")/
      5. in the form of a sinuous wave/

#117. teeth on leaf margin <spacing>/
       1. regularly spaced <implicit>/
       2. irregular spaced/
#118. teeth on leaf margin <series>/
       1. simple (all one size class) <implicit>/
       2. compound (in two or three sizes)/
#119. upper side of tooth <of leaf margin> <shape, part 1>/
       1. straight/
       2. convex/
       3. concave/
       4. acuminate (base convex, tip concave)/
#120. lower side of tooth <of leaf margin> <shape, part 2>/
       1. straight/
       2. convex/
       3. concave/
       4. acuminate (base convex, tip concave)/
#121. sinuses between teeth on leaf margin/
       1. rounded/
       2. angular/
#122. lobes on leaf-blade margin <shape>/
      1. broadly triangular (delta-shaped)/
      2. narrowly triangular/
      3. semicircular, half-elliptic, or shortly rounded/
      4. oblong or elongate rounded/

#123. lobes on leaf-blade margin <series>/
       1. simple <implicit>/
       2. compound (lobes on lobes)/
       3. laciniate (deeply, irregularly divided as if ripped)/
#124. sinuses between lobes on leaf margin/
       1. rounded/
       2. angular/
#125. 1ø <thickest order of> veins of leaf-blade unit <number and
          venation type>/
       1. 1, pinnate venation/
       2. 2 or more, diverging, palmate venation/
       3. 2 or more, arching, converging to apex, plinerved/
#126. 1ø veins of leaf-blade unit <course>/
       1. straight/
       2. sinuous/
       3. zig-zag/
       4. curved or arching/
#127. 2ø veins <an order of size smaller than 1ø veins> of leaf- blade unit
       1. running straight to margins, terminating in teeth/
       2. branching just within the margin, one branch terminating at the margin
          , the other joining the next 2ø vein above/
       3. running toward the margin, arching upward in a loop and joining the adjacent
          2ø vein/
       4. often extending almost to the margin, arching upward and gradually
          diminishing apically, connected to the above adjacent 2ø by a series
          of cross veins without forming a prominent marginal loop/
       5. losing their identity toward the leaf margin by repeated branching
          into a vein reticulum/
       6. running straight to the margin fusing with the thickened marginal
#128. 2ø veins of leaf-blade unit <number for given 1ø vein>/
       <number> per side/
#129. 2ø veins of leaf-blade unit <arrangement relative to midrib>/
       1. alternate/
       2. opposite/
       3. mixed alternate and opposite/
       4. subopposite/
#130. 2ø veins of leaf-blade unit <course>/
       1. straight/
       2. curved/
       3. sinuous/
       4. zig-zag/
#131. angle of divergence of middle 2ø veins of leaf-blade unit/
       1. narrowly acute, less than 45ø/
       2. moderately acute, 45ø-65ø/
       3. widely acute, 65ø-85ø/
       4. ñ right angle/
       5. obtuse, 100ø/
#132. angle of divergence of lower and upper 2ø veins such that/
       1. all 2øs nearly the same/
       2. uppers more obtuse than lowers/
       3. uppers more acute than lowers/
       4. only lowest pair more acute than pairs above it/
       5. lower and upper ones more acute than middle sets/
       6. more acute on one side of leaf than on the other/
       7. varies irregularly/
#133. closed loops or arches of 2ø veins <angle of merger>/
       1. joining at acute angle/
       2. joining at right angle/
       3. joining at obtuse angle/
#134. closed loops or arches of 2ø veins <special cases>/
       1. formed by the thickening of arching loops (which are shallow) into a
          nearly independent, sinuous or curving vein)/
       2. enclosed by secondary arches/
#135. intersecondary veins <those positioned between 2ø veins arising from
          midrib and intermediate in thickness between 2ø and 3ø veins>/
       1. lacking/
       2. simple, straight, short (less than 1/2 distance to margin)/
       3. compound , zig-zag, long/
#136. 3ø veins <an order in size smaller than 2ø veins> of leaf blade unit
       1. percurrent, those from adjacent 2ø veins joining/
       2. ramified, branching into higher order veins without directly joining
          other 3ø or 2ø veins (although higher order derivative may join/
       3. reticulate, forming a third order reticulum in area between 2ø veins/
#137. 3ø veins <if percurrent> <whether forked or not>/
       1. simple (3ø veins from adjacent 2ø veins either opposite or offset, not
          branching to form 3 ø veins that cross- connect percurrent, main 3ø
       2. forked (3øveins from adjacent 2ø veins usually offset, interconnected
          by "Y"-shaped branches that form a 3ø zig-zag stitching between the 2ø
          veins, thus the percurrent 3ø veins also zig-zag or angularly bent)/
#138. 3ø veins <if percurrent and simple> <course>/
       1. straight/
       2. convex/
       3. concave/
       4. "S"-shaped/
       5. sinuous or zig-zag (changing direction several times)/
#139. 3ø veins <if reticulate between 2ø veins> <orientation>/
       1. angles of anastomoses predominantly right angles/
       2. angles of anastomoses vary/
#140. 3ø veins <orientation to midribs or 1ø palmate veins>/
       1. perpendicular to midrib/
       2. parallel to midrib/
       3. oblique to midrib, at a uniform angle/
       4. oblique to midrib, changing in angle toward margin/
       5. oblique to midrib, changing in angle toward apex/
#141. 3ø veins <arrangements>/
       1. alternate/
       2. opposite/
       3. subopposite/
       4. mixed alternate and opposite/
#142. angle of origin of 3ø veins on upper side of 2ø veins/
       1. narrowly acute, less than 45ø/
       2. moderately acute, 45ø-65ø/
       3. widely acute, 65ø-85ø/
       4. ñ right angle/
       5. obtuse, 100ø/
#143. angle of origin of 3ø veins on lower side of 2ø veins/
       1. narrowly acute, less than 45ø/
       2. moderately acute, 45ø-65ø/
       3. widely acute, 65ø-85ø/
       4. ñ right angle/
       5. obtuse, 100ø/
#144. areoles (blade areas enclosed by smallest vein) <development>/
       1. well developed, uniform in size and shape/
       2. imperfectly developed, variable in size and shape/
       3. often incompletely closed on one or more sides/
       4. lacking/
#145. areoles (blade areas enclosed by smallest vein) <arrangement>/
       1. random/
       2. regularly repeated, angular patterns/
       3. right-angle, checker-board/
       4. concentric circles/
#146. areoles (blade areas enclosed by smallest vein) <shape>/
       1. triangular/
       2. square/
       3. rhombic/
       4. rectangular/
       5. pentagonal or hexagonal/
       6. polygonal/
       7. rounded/
       8. irregular/
#147. areoles (blade areas enclosed by smallest vein) <size>/
       1. greater than 2mm long/
       2. 1-2 mm long/
       3. 0.3-1 mm long/
       4. less than 0.3 mm long/
#148. trunk(s) <whether clustering> <palm-like trees only>/
       1. solitary/
       2. multiple, clustered from ground level/
#149. crownshaft (green leaf-base that enclosed top of trunk and all younger
          leaves, thus appearing to be a green tip of the trunk) <presence>
          <palms only>/
       1. present/
       2. absent/
#150. leaves <organization of palm leaves only>/
       1. palmate <sword-like leaf-blade units or leaf-segments basally fused
          and radiating from single point at end of leaf-stalk>/
       2. pinnate <sword-like leaf-blade units or leaf-segments basally
          separated and disposed along the length of the extention of the
          leaf-stalk (rachis)>/
       3. costapalmate <sword-like leaf-blade units of leaf- segments all
          basally fused, lower ones radiating but upper ones disposed along the
          tip of the leaf-stalk which extends a short distance into the whole
       4. bipinnate <leaf-segments attached to branches of the rachis>/
       5. bifid <as in pinnate by all leaf-segments basally fused>/
#151. margin <unusual thickenings>/
       1. not thickened with cartilaginous, continuous, or glandular tissue
       2. thickened by a prominent continuous yellow or white cartilaginous line
            (easily visible with the naked eye)/
       3. thickened by glands (swollen, pale, cartilaginous, or viscid tissue)
          associated with the tips of teeth or lobes/
       4. thickened by prickles associated with tips of teeth or lobes/

#152. petiole wing <shape of wing>/
       1. narrowly ablong or linear/
       2. broadly triangular or obovate/

#153.  leaf blade unit average size (excluding any narrowly drawn out tips or bases)/
      1. minute, about 1-8 mm long/
      2. very small, about 8-20 mm long/
      3. small, about 2-6 cm long/
      4. moderate, about 7-15 cm long/
      5. large, about 15-35 cm long/
      6. very large, about 40-100 cm long/
      7. gigantic, well over 1 m long/